Sunday, August 22, 2004

Both "Go to Sleep" and "It is Here" share the same melodies. The melody can be found at my SibeliusMusic website (click on the link) under "Go to Sleep"

(The Lullaby Version)

Sleep, go to sleep,
Go to sleep, no more worries.
Dream, dream your dreams,
Dream your dreams, you are free.
Day has gone past you
Night-time is here.
But I will keep you safe
You do not have to fear, you are
Warm and warm till dawn has come.
Sleeping soundly for tomorrow’s run.
I will keep watch over you
And I will sing lullabies to you
See to you
God protect him

Rest, rest your mind,
Rest your mind, you are tired.
Close, close your eyes,
Close your eyes, it is quiet.
Tomorrow morning, you would have left.
Let me take care of you,
Rest in my peaceful nest…
The sun will rise so soon…
Gone will be the moon…
A mother just to you…

(The Funeral Version)

Sleep, go to sleep,
Go to sleep, no more worries.
Rest, rest in peace,
Rest in peace, you are free.
Your time is over
Gone is the day
Reach out for God’s blessed hand
Fly up to Heaven where you play
Free and ever filled with joy
Run around just like a little boy
God will keep watch over you
And I’ll say a prayer for you too
God blessed

Female Lead
Here I was born to the world in my home
Here I was clothed, I was fed; I was safe.
This is a place the way that I know,
Where thoughts work inside me, where all my dreams are made,

It is here; I lay aside my fears.
Not afraid that I’ll reduce to tears.
For I know that someone’s here.
To provide a comforting few words that will help comfort me, keep me here.

Male Lead
Here I was lost, I was helped, I was found.
Here I took in all the sights and the sounds.
I thank my elders for helping me.
Attribute this to them, they helped me to see.

It is here that I open my eyes.
See the world so big and round and wide.
My heart’s beating fast inside,
For I know that Singapore will climb, to the top, to the sky.

Here we’re free to be ourselves.
This is something that I’ll like to tell.
To the world and far beyond,
That our Singapore has all the peace; it is well, going strong.

Female Lead
Here I place my foot upon…

Male Lead
Here is where I will belong…

Here we’re free and living well.
There’s a message that we’ll like to tell from, from our heart, to the world…

Here, it’s my land; it’s my home, cause it is here.


It was a test of courage.
The boys had wanted to see if I had dared to roll under the carriage of a moving train, then roll out to the other side of the track.
It was dangerous, but yet I felt I had to do it.
I had suggested this. Back then, I had spoken without thinking. Now, I was going to do this foolish thing which could probably cost me my life, let along my limbs. I could have kicked myself.
But I had to show to the gang that I was not chicken; I was brave enough to do so.

Last Saturday, the whole gang had gathered at our usual spot outside the shopping centre. As usual, everyone wore the same black-coloured shirt with the picture of a red skull printed near the top-right-hand corner, where the heart should be.
For nearly an hour, we stared and made wolf-whistles at the pretty girls who passed by. Sometimes, their boyfriends would approach us threateningly and demanded that we leave their girlfriends alone, only to be greeted with angry remarks and threats of being beaten up from the gang.
That day, the weather happened to be sunny. But the sun cruelly shot its rays at us, till we felt so hot that we had to retreat into the cool of the shopping centre. Unfortunately, it was very crowded. Even the parapet built around the basin of the fountain was filled up.
Now everyone was feeling very bored – and thirsty. Someone volunteered to buy drinks, and we all stood and discussed the night’s events.
Nobody offered a ‘sensible’ solution: karaoke (singing at a bar), girls spotting and motorcycle racing (at a deserted road in the northern part of Singapore) had all been done many times repeatedly.
As I sat listening to the gang arguing out their ideas, a thought came into my mind. Immediately, I turned to the group, “How about running across the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) tracks just as a train is approaching the station?”
All the gang members looked at me, speechless. “(Are) you sure or not?” Lao Da, the leader, asked.
I laughed. “Why not? I just have to run across two pieces of concrete – no, four, because one track requires two concrete slabs for the wheels. It’ll be chicken.”
Lao Da suddenly let out a toothy grin. “Eh! Our Xiao Di (younger brother) is getting more courageous!”
“Let’s put him to the test!” someone else shouted.
There was lots of cheering, until we attracted other members of the public. We ignored them. Toasting our cups of Coke together, I found myself grinning from ear to ear. I was going to be a hero.

When I got home, my mother was reading the newspapers. “Come here and look at this article,” she said as soon as I stepped into the house.
I walked over, and peered at the small text over her shoulders. “Man Run Over By LRT Train”, the headline screamed.
I continued to read, “A man climbed down from the station platform onto the LRT tracks yesterday evening at about 11:15am. He was supposedly drunk, as he failed to see the approaching LRT train coming towards him. The train ran over him, killing him instantly.”
Mother was shaking her head. “What a poor guy. Run over by a train.” She turned towards me. “You’d better be careful when you ride the LRT. Don’t stand too close to the platform edge, in case you tumble over onto the tracks.”
“Yes, Mother,” I replied, and hurried to my room.
As I sat down on my bed, fear shot through me. The task was not as easy as I had thought. It was a risky one; if it went wrong, that could be the end of me. I pictured myself dying a bloody and sudden death on the tracks. I pictured Mother and Father crying like mad over the death of their only son.
No! I was burning with rage. I no longer felt like a courageous hero. Instead, I was a fool. How could I have made such a stupid mistake? Who the hell was I to be a hero?
“I must call off this act,” I said firmly to myself. I decided to tell the others that I was not going to be stupid enough to do something life-risking. This would be the right thing to do; the right kind of courage.
But the guys would call it ‘absolute bullshit’.
It was now or never. This was to be the real test.

At eleven precisely, I met the others at the Phoenix LRT station. We choose this station as it was one of the quieter and more deserted stations. With nobody around, it was easier to concentrate on doing the act, without anyone around to tell us off.
Two guys kept watch at the entrance of the station, in case anyone came up and caught us on the tracks, which was forbidden. Two other guys rode the LRT trains – in both directions. The guy in the train that was closer to the station would call Lao Da via cellular phone. Lao Da would then prepare me for the dash. I was to dodge both the trains.
Earlier, I had tried to call off this stunt, but the guys refused to buy the idea. Now, I was sweating, taking in deep breaths to calm myself before I made what would be my final test of courage and wit.
I had expected each train to come in at different times, with an interval in between for me to catch my breath. Ironically, both approached the station at almost the same time.
After both calls arrived, the guys on the platform had come up to me and patted me on the back to wish me good luck. Lao Da had stayed with me until the sighting of the two trains. Then he had gone back to stand with the rest of the group.
My brain was doing all the calculations. There had to be a minimal distance of about one-and-a-half-metres between the trains and my body, judging by the speed of the oncoming trains.
Just as the first train was two metres away from me, I took a great leap, off the platform and onto the concrete guideway, narrowly missing the electrified guide rails. I ran forward, just as the first train whizzed past behind me.
The second train was about three metres away as I was tackling the second track. But the obstacle was climbing the rather high platform. Quickly, I threw my leg onto the platform floor, but it slipped down.
The train was two metres away and approaching.
Panicking, I made another attempt. This time, my muscles locked tight as my leg touched the floor. Using my arm strength, I threw my entire body onto the platform altogether.
I lay on my back, gasping for breath.
Beside me, the train slowly came to a grinding halt. With a hiss, the doors opened. One of the gang members stepped out. He took one glance at me, then shouted triumphantly to the others, “He did it!”
There was a lot of cheering and clapping as I pulled myself up. My legs had turned jelly. I settled myself down onto a bench.
The two trains had left the station. The entire gang, including Lao Da, scrambled across the tracks (at the same time taking care not to step onto the guide rails). They surrounded me, patting my back and ruffling my hair.
So this was a lucky day for me. I was hailed as a hero for this daring stunt, and became popular among the gang members.
More importantly, I learnt the true meaning of courage. Courage is not about showing off to others how you can do difficult yet dangerous things. Courage is daring to speak up when others jeer you. Courage is willing to work hard and make the change despite being looked down by others.
It had been a test of courage.


That great cry, which is music to everyone’s ears.
That magnificent shout, signifying the road to independence.
That yell which groups the world together to fight for it.
FREEDOM, is it!

A mosquito buzzed close to my ear. I swatted it – missed.
The sweltering heat was unbearable. All of us would have liked to stop work and rest, but our boss said no.
We were slaves; that was the reason. We were made to work without pay, and were treated like animals.
I was not born a slave, but became a slave at the age of nine. My father was short of money, so he loaned some from this rich Malay plantation owner, who is now my master. But Father could not repay the money he borrowed, so he had no choice but to give me away to the plantation owner as a slave to settle the debt. This is called debt slavery.
Before the plantation owner came to pick me up, my heartbroken father shed a tear, and trembled, “My son, I’m sorry that I have to do this to you.”
He wiped a tear running down his cheek. “If I don’t give you away, I will have to go in your place. I know I’m being selfish for not going since I have to bear the responsibility, but I’m old, and there will be no one to care for the family if I leave. I’m sorry, son. I’m very sorry son.”
He sniffed. “But, I believe, that one day you will find your freedom and go your way to make your living.”
At that time, I was young, and had no dreams. I was sceptical. I knew that debt slaves went and never returned. They worked until they died in their master’s place.”
At this moment, the plantation owner arrived, and I was pushed into the carriage. My father was still watching me with mournful eyes as our carriage rounded the bend.
My master owns a large rubber plantation in the state of Perak, Malaya. In this state, made rich because of its tin trade, Sultan Abdullah reigns. Matters are done very conservatively. Therefore, debt slavery still exists.
There were nine other slaves when I first arrived at the plantation. Upon arrival, I was thrown into a small hut, made to drop my things and get cracking. I scurried from the hut to the plantation with my master glaring at me. After I had started work, he finally left – for the comfort of his bungalow on the other side of the plantation.
We worked from morning till night, without rest, except for a lunch break, of which little food was given. We only stopped work at eight in the evening, and we were so exhausted that some of us fell asleep immediately. But none of us could sleep properly, as all ten of us had to squeeze into one small hut.
There were other perils in our daily work. There were the dangers of snakes and the occasional tiger. Mosquitoes were plentiful, and malaria was common. One of the slaves, Hasid, fell ill having got bitten by one, and nearly died from the disease.
Life was pure hell. The master or his assistants would flog us if we slogged. The harder we worked, the more latex we produced. This increased the master’s profits, and only increased our resentment and unhappiness.
So this was the life I have led. My fellow slaves had often hoped for a miracle to happen, that one day the slaves were freed, and such discrimination discontinued.
I had not forgotten my father’s words.

The British arrived in Malaya when I was twenty-one-years-old. I was told that they were rapidly expanding their influence in Southeast Asia, having colonised Singapore, an island just south of us.
With the British in Malayan soil, the other slaves and I began hoping for a miracle, that the British come and save us from this hell. The master had gone to far in insulting us with names and locking us up in a small dark room for days for poor work. We did not tolerate that.
After the Larut Wars, of which involved two rival Chinese secret societies, the British took over the administration, employing a British man to help Sultan Abdullah rule Perak. His name was Birch. Although the Sultan and his men didn’t like Birch because he was arrogant and cared little for our customs, we were happy about him having a stake in ruling the state. He declared that he would pass a law to abolish debt slavery and free us. He was our saviour.
And he kept his word.

One Saturday evening, when the master and his family were having dinner in their bungalow, a voice motioned to us. We were working in semi-darkness at that time, so were a little frightened to whom that unidentified voice belonged to.
I plucked courage to approach the voice. To my pleasant surprise, I found that it was a British man, standing behind the fence. “I work for Mr Birch, and have come to set you free from your masters. Call your friends and come with me.”
My heart did a double leap, rose to my throat and lodged there. This was it! The road to freedom! The man’s words were music to my ears.
I ran back to tell the others about my meeting with the British man. At first, they were astonished, and then overjoyed. However, upon meeting the man, they demanded to see identification papers stating that he worked for Birch and not for any slave recruitment agents. The man said, “Trust me.” However, in order to win our trust, he showed us papers with the official British seal.
This time, we were convinced. We were led to the fence surrounding the plantation. There was another man waiting on the other side. The fence was low, so we could climb over. The man outside the plantation helped us down.
Everyone climbed over the fence one by one. I was the last. I placed one foot on the thin metal railing. My hand gripped the bar at the top. I swung my legs over the bar…
Suddenly, there was a shout. Then there were gunshots and dogs barking. The master’s men were advancing on us!
“Hurry!” the British inside the plantation yelled. Without waiting for me to get down from the fence, he began scaling it agilely. I was impressed by the speed at which he climbed up the fence – I was not good at climbing vertical bodies – but there was no time to lose. As the dogs pounced against the fence and rattled it, I jumped down from the top of the fence in shock. I fell on my knees, and bruised it. But I ignored the pain. What mattered most was that I was FREE!
The British supported me, and all of us ran up the slope, towards Pasir Salak (where Birch’s house was) and towards freedom.

Birch’s house was a large bungalow. There was a basement, and here he converted it into a living quarter. There were only two slaves inside when we arrived, bringing the total number of occupants to twelve. But this room was much more spacious, unlike the hut at the plantation.
Birch promised to defend us, and he kept his word. My angry master turned up a few days later looking for Birch to dig his guts out for helping us to escape. His men must have seen the British helping us out and therefore guessed that it was Birch’s doings, since he opposed slavery. He demanded to know where his slaves were. But Birch said he never did such a thing, and didn’t know who his slaves were.
From underneath the floorboard, we listened to every word in that conversation between an angry master and a calm and trustworthy Birch. Eventually, we heard the master storming away, unable to claim back his slaves.
Our ordeal was over.

About two weeks later, we left the quarter. We would be going out into the world, seeking new jobs, looking for a new lease of life. Birch wished us all good luck. We could not thank him enough for helping us, but he said, “Forget it. I’m the Resident-in-charge here anyway. Your social welfare is of utmost importance.”
We stepped out into the warm sunshine. From here, we parted and went our own ways. We could do whatever thing we liked, go wherever we wished to go. I decided to return home after spending almost twelve years away.
As I walked, I felt like a bird just released from its cage. I was now flying freely in the air, not controlled or restricted by anything but me. I was myself; no one would take over my life for good.

This script was written for Gamma House for the purpose of the college's Chinese New Year celebrations, where each House had to present a skit or something to do with the theme of the Year of the Horse, which is represented by a float made by the members of the House themselves.



SCENE 1: The Heavens
Setting the arena: Two thrones are set on centre stage - one for the Jade Emperor while the other is for the Heavenly Mother. Fog pours out all over the stage.

• The Legend of the Dragon begins to play.

(Deities move in from stage left and right, in step to the music. They form a formation similar to the one shown above.)

(Jade Emperor enters from stage right and walks with a majestic stride towards the throne in the centre of the arena. The Heavenly Mother follows close behind.)

All Deities (bow and speak with respect)
Our respects to the Jade Emperor and the Heavenly Mother.

Jade Emperor
Please rise.

(Deities obey.)

(God of Signs enters stage left and walks hurriedly in step to centre stage.)

God of Signs (kneels down and bows deeply and speaks respectfully)
My respects to you, Your Highness.

Jade Emperor
Please rise.

God of Signs
Your Highness, what have you asked me here for?

Jade Emperor (stroking his beard)
Well, as you know – or should I say, as everybody knows – the year of the Snake is coming to an end. So it’s goodbye to that dratted Snake! – what the hell, all he does is sit in his residence and feast on rats all day long.
(Leans forward and raises a finger)
By the way, get more rat representatives when that year arrives. We’re running out of rats already.

God of Signs (bows with hands clasped together)
Yes your Highness.

Jade Emperor (leans back on his throne, and resumes stroking his beard)
Okay…where was I? Ah yes…we need a representative for the New Year. Uh… this year was a snake. Therefore next year has to be a -

God of Signs
Horse, your Highness

Jade Emperor
Ah yes. A horse.
(To the God of Signs)
Go to the mortal world and pick two horses - a male and a female. The chosen ones will be the Golden Horses for the New Year.

God of Signs
Yes; Your Highness.
I take my leave now.
(Turns around and exits stage left).

(Fog filters through the stage floor.)

Setting the stage: Stagehands run into the performing arena and remove the thrones. Two other stagehands wait at the far end of stage right, holding a red ribbon perpendicularly across the running track.

In order:

LANE HORSE/JOCKEY (this is the correct information)
8 Bubbles / Josey
7 Thunder / Edward
6 Buttercup / Blossom
5 Aurora / Edd
4 Jubilee / Johnny
3 Eddy / Dexter
2 Iris / Dee-dee
1 Cepheus / Ed

(Horses and jockeys quickly enter through stage left. The jockeys are riding on top of the horses. They line up in their respective lanes at the start of the running track on stage left.)

• Cast members playing the horses will be required to get down on all fours and crawl in order to move. Their respective jockeys will sit on their backs.
• Announcer is to sit at a table at the top of the grandstand. He should have a drink with him, of which he would slurp it deliberately. Also, the Announcer’s voice should be projected through the horn speakers in the stadium to give it a feel of really being at the turf club.

Announcer (speak deliberately in a monotone)
Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the final race of the year: the Temasek Cup.
(Spectators cheer.)
If you’ll turn your heads and look up towards the back of the grand stand, you’ll be able to see me, your idiotic commentator for the day who’s only earning $1 an hour for this sucking job. Thank you for your attention.
(Slurps a drink loudly; such that the sound is projected into the microphone)
Anyway, this is the most prestigious race of the year, featuring a reward of five million dollars as well as a magnificent 24-carat gold trophy.
From Lanes 1 to 8 respectively, we have: Cepheus and his jockey, Ed
(Cheers from the Spectators.)

Ed (yells out loudly while facing the spectators)
Uh…there’s been a mistake…I’m not Eddy. I’m Ed. Ed as in with one ‘d’. Eddy is the other guy -
(Points towards the rest of the jockeys, but to no one in particular.)

Oh, sorry. Okay, next up, we have Iris and Dee-dee.

Dee-dee (acting cute)
Hiya, folks! Do you know, I can sing as well as ride a horsy? Let me sing you all a song!
(Jumps off Iris and skips along the track while singing nothing in particular)
La, la, la, la,la…

Announcer (interrupts)
* Ahem! * In Lane 5, there’s Ed -

Dee-dee (screams)

Ed (shouts towards the grand stand)
I thought you’ve introduced me already?

Lady, stop being so childish and immature -

Ed (shouts indignantly)
Who you calling a lady?

Dee-dee (cries and screams)

Ed (turns towards Dee-dee)
WHAT? You hate me? Damn, you women are really good for nothing -

Announcer (in a bored manner)
Fine, fine, go ahead...

See? Even the announcer agrees!

Dee-dee (sulks)
I HATE all of you!
(Stalks back onto the back of Iris. Bumps so hard on Iris’ back that the horse gives a startled cry of ‘OUCH’!)

Okay, where was I? Ah, yes. Edd - Edd as with two ‘d’ s, is riding Aurora, in lane 5.
In Lane 3, we have Dexter the horse -

Dexter (shouts out indignantly)
Ooi! I’m Dexter! Not the horse!

Apologies. We have Dexter the hors - I mean, jockey, and his steed, Eddy.

Dexter (arms crossed)
That’s better.

In Lane 4, we have Jubilee, ridden by Johnny Boo!

(Cheers erupt from the spectators)

Supporters of Jubilee (rise and cheer)
Jubilee, Jubilee buăy pài siá!
Jubilee, Jubilee you must bĭa!
Jubilee, Jubilee beat the rest!
Jubilee, Jubilee do your best!
(Cheers and applause)

Lane 5, Auro - oops, introduced already.
(In a bored voice)
Next lane, in Lane 6, Blossom ridden by Buttercup!

Blossom (yells angrily)
Stu-pig! You made the same mistake again!

What did I do?

You confused horse and man! This is against human rights principles. I’m telling you, I’m a human rights activist -

Announcer (in a bored voice)
Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Go ahead and talk more crap. Let’s cancel the race and go and play “Who wants to be a Millionaire”. It’s more worth it…

Edward (yells)
You haven’t introduced me yet!

Yeah, yeah. Fine. There’s Thunder in Lane 7 -

With Edward the jockey on his back.

Announcer (perks up)
Good! You know the rest. You can take over my job any day.

Supporters of Thunder (rise and cheer)
Thunder, thunderation
We the bookies dedication
When we piă with determination
We create a sensation!
(Repeat another 3 times: 2nd time clap hands, 3rd time stamp one foot, and 4th time jump on the spot. When the cheer is over, clap and whistle loudly.)

Announcer (in a bored sing-song voice)
Damn you people can’t you see, can’t you see
How your noise’s affecting my commentary?
Every time you cheer, you don’t make things right
And that gives me annoying time.
(Parody from Larger than Life by Westlife)

Supporters of Thunder (cheer again)
Thunder! (there ain’t no horsy better than our Thundey!)
Gonna show them how (you’ve got to wind the cup tonight)
Thunder! (there ain’t no horsy better than our Thundey!)
Gonna take them by (you’ve got to win the cup tonight)
O-oh, o-oh! Throw your legs in the air.
O-oh, o-oh! The wind your hair!
O-oh, o-oh! There’s a trophy over there!
O-oh, o-oh! There’s a trophy over there!
Thunder! (there ain’t no horsy better than our Thundey!)
Gonna show them how (you’ve got to wind the cup tonight)
Thunder! (there ain’t no horsy better than our Thundey!)
Gonna take them by (you’ve got to win the cup tonight)
(Sung to the tune of S Club Party by S Club 7)

Announcer (in a slightly irritated voice)
Yeah, yeah, I’m going to show you how when I get real mad…
Anyway, the last contestant is Bubbles, and her mistress is Josey without her pussycat.

One of the Spectators (yells)

Yeah, yeah, she’s lame enough all right, with or without her pussycat.

Josey (yells)
Ooi! What talking you?

Yeah, yeah, keep talking cock…talk as much cock as you like. I’m going to start the race at the count of zero. Ready folks? Let’s count together. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!

(Horses start to crawl in rather slow motion. Spectators cheer them on. Announcer commentates whatever is going on down there. His tone should be monotonous to add some dry humour. However, Thunder and Jubilee must be in the lead respectively.)

Announcer (when Thunder and Jubilee are nearing the finish line)
Lookie, people. Look at Thunder. He’s running damn fast, man, and that poor old Jubilee is trying to catch up with him.
Look at Edward the Animal Rights Abuser. Whacking the poor old animal like nobody’s business. What d’ya expect? Jockeying is a lame job.
(Thunder crosses the finishing line; Supporters of Thunder erupt into cheers.)
Very nice! The race has ended. Applause, ladies and gentlemen! This is not an economical problem of whether to clap or not. Use your common sense, folks! Clap! Now, there’s it.
(Jubilee crosses the finishing line; Supporters of Jubilee cheer, followed by booing from the Supporters of Thunder.)
Now, now, people, be nice. We must taking winning graciously.
Okay, the rest of ‘ol horses can stop running. Take a break. The race is over.
(Horses continue to run along the track.)
That’s it. I’m going home. I don’t even get any respect here.
(Sips his drink loudly.)
Damn, it’s cold already.

Supporters of Thunder (standing up and cheering)
Olé, olé, olé, olé, Thunder is best, Thunder is best!
Olé, olé, olé, olé, our wallets’ fat, our wallets’ fat!
(turn towards Supporters of Jubilee)
Tidak, tidak, tidak boleh, Jubilee làn, Jubilee làn.
Tidak, tidak, tidak boleh, so malu one, so malu one.

(VIP walks out from the base of centre stage. At the same time, Edward and Thunder trot down the track from stage right towards centre stage. VIP shakes Edward’s hand, hands Edward the trophy and hangs a garland around Thunder’s neck. Thunder neighs. Supporters of Thunder cheer.)

(All Horses and Jockeys exit stage right. Supporters quieten and sit down.)

(Jockeys lead their horses towards centre stage one by one. The horses are arranged in a circular manner. Jockeys leave their horses and exit stage right. When the Jockeys have all gone, the Horses stand straight – i.e. the actors stand up like normal human beings…duh!)

I say, that was a good win, Thun.

Thunder (proudly)
Obviously it was. All thanks to dear old Jub. What do you say, eh, Jub?
(Jubilee says nothing, but remains standing very still.)
Why, Jub? Too embarrassed to say anything? To inferior to utter a word, let alone neigh? Too ashamed that you have let your bookies down?
(Guffaws with laughter.)

Buttercup (grabs Thunder’s arms and shoulders in a seductive manner.)
Oh, Thunder, leave the poor chap alone. Take pity on him. Why torment him if he can’t run as fast as you? It’ll only make him feel even more bitter.

Thunder (towards Buttercup)
You’re right, Buttercup.
(Towards Jubilee)
Heard that, Jub? We won’t torment you. We’ll just let your guilt sink deeper and deeper into your heart! Ha, ha, ha!

Oh, don’t be so mean, Thunder. What has Jubilee done to offend you?

Wow, you’re siding up with him against me, eh?
Ooh, I’m scared! I’m scared!
(Stands up straight, crosses hands and laughs. The other horses laugh along as well.)

Bubbles (to Jubilee)
Ignore him.

(Jubilee only nods.)

Aurora (yawns)
Let’s go to sleep. We’ve had such a tiring day today. Good night.

Horses (in unison)
Good night.

(All horses except Jubilee drop down on all fours, head drooping down as if they are asleep. Jubilee wanders out of the circle, strolling aimlessly down the running track. Suddenly, a shooting star flashes across the sky-

• The shooting star effect could be achieved by either one of two methods:
• a stagehand standing at the top of the grand stand hurls a yellow-painted stone with a long yellow ribbon attached to it as hard as he can. The stone should touchdown on the tip of stage left.
• Using a makeshift ‘rocket’. The idea is to fill a bottle with water, pump in air with great pressure through the neck of the bottle. The air will try and force the water inside the bottle out. The pressure released will cause the bottle to shoot away high into the air. This should be attempted from the base of the grand stand, and the rocket should land somewhere in the middle of the field, if it is well done.
By the way, the bottle is to be painted yellow, with a yellow ribbon attached as the tail of the shooting star.

(Jubilee gazes at it as it sails across the sky, across from stage left to right. When it lands, Jubilee runs after it. At the same time, God of Signs appears from where the fake shooting star has landed. God of Signs has one arm akimbo, while the other is rubbing his back.)

God of Signs (aloud, to himself)
Ouch…what a painful landing.

(Jubilee comes up to the God of Signs.)

Who are you?

God of Signs
Me? I’m the old caretaker, talking a midnight walk, just like you.

Don’t you always sleep at night? Don’t you have to rise early in the morning?

God of Signs
Nah, I can’t sleep tonight. Guess I drank too much tea just now.

I see. Well, Sir, enjoy your stroll.
(Turns to leave. Suddenly, he stops in his tracks and turns around to face the God of Signs.)
Wait a minute, you can’t be the caretaker.

God of Signs
Why not?

Because, in the first place, you can speak to a horse. Secondly, the caretaker is a gruff old man who scorns at us horses. Thirdly, the real caretaker doesn’t drink tea. He drinks coffee.

God of Signs
Oh, I see.
(Rubs his chin)
So I’m just a counterfeit version of the caretaker?

Darn right you are.

God of Signs
What a clever horse you are…hmmm.
(Continues rubbing his chin.)
Fine, I’m the God of Signs.

Jubilee (guffaws with laughter)
God of Signs? You’re in charge of all the road signs and shops signs and traffic lights?

God of Signs (gruffly, rather offended)
No. I’m the God of astrological signs, as in zodiacs and horoscopes. Well, since you’re here I might as well tell you the main purpose of my arrival on earth. AS you can see, next year is the Year of the Horse –

It is already 2002, Sir.

God of Signs
I know, I know. But what I’m referring to is the New Year of the Lunar Calendar. Anyway, every lunar year the Heavens will choose a mortal animal representing that year to be the Golden Animal of the Year.

You mean as in the next lunar year is the year of the horse, and that you will be choosing a horse to be the Golden Animal of the Year?

God of Signs
Clever boy.

Choose me, please.

God of Signs (rather hesitantly)
Well…there are some prerequisites to be considered. The would-be candidate should have the qualities of virtue – too many to describe. In other words, the animal must be good.

Jubilee (wistfully)
But I’ve committed some bad as well.

God of Signs
Oh, everybody commits sins, even me, when I was still a living man. But the number of sins committed should not exceed the number of virtues.

So how would you assess me?

God of Signs
Ah, we shall see.
(Takes out a funny-looking water pocket-watch)
I should be going now. I’m travelling across the Seven Seas to some other place.
(Looks up and grins at Jubilee)
It’s a secret, though.

Goodbye, and have a safe trip.

God of Signs
Oh, you needn’t worry about me.
(Turns to walk away. As he speaks, his back is towards Jubilee)
I won’t crash into buildings –
(As if to mean it, he deliberately trips and falls.)

Jubilee (rushes over)
Sir, are you alright?

God of Signs (Picking himself up.)
Yes, yes. Don’t ever look though on a sprightly old man like me. I go for jogs around the Heavens everyday. Well, goodbye, and I hope to see you again.


(God of Signs walks out of the performing arena and disappears beneath or to the side of the Grand Stand. Jubilee remains where he is, watching the God of Signs walk away.)

• Morning Mood plays

Aurora (lifts his head up)
Ah! What a beautiful morning!
(Sniffs the air)
Rise and shine everybody!

(All the other horses lift up their heads; some go about stretching themselves.)

Bubbles (turning towards Jubilee’s previous sleeping spot)
Where’s Jubilee?

Yeah, where’s Jubilee?

Thunder (in a haughty voice)
He probably got so ashamed of losing the race that he left!

Bubbles (in a reprimanding tone)
THUNDER! How could you say such a thing?

Buttercup (going up close to Thunder)
Oh, Bub, just go out and look for your beloved Jubilee. We’ll save breakfast for you.

(Both Thunder and Buttercup laugh. At this point of time, Jubilee slowly walks back to the circle of horses.)

Good morning, everyone.

Bubbles (worriedly)
Where in the world have you been all night? We were worried sick.

I went for a walk under the stars.

Thunder (in a mocking tone)
Ooh, now that Jubilee is here safe and sound, I guess we can go for breakfast now. Come on, Buttercup.

(Thunder and Buttercup turn towards stage left and proceed to leave.)

Listen, yesterday I met a peculiar old man while taking my night walk.

Eddy (in an unconvincing tone)
An old man? In the middle of the night? You must be kidding!

Was it the caretaker?

I thought so at first, but afterwards my instincts told me that something was definitely wrong about this old man, which couldn’t make him be the caretaker.

Iris (shrieks)
OH, MY GOSH! It must be an alien from outer space!

Shut your crap, Iris.

Iris (continues shrieking hysterically)
It must be aliens! They’ve come to take over the world! We’re doomed! We’re going to be guinea pigs for their experiments!

Iris, shut that trap of yours up.

Iris (still shrieking in an even higher pitch)
It’s aliens -


Eddy (angrily)
Go! Everybody SIAM! Go and makan!

(All horses except Bubbles and Jubilee leave, exiting by stage left.)

Bubbles (speaking only when all the other horses have left)
You really met a deity last night?

Well, it has to be. He personally told me that. Besides, the caretaker always shouts at us when we make too much noise. A grouchy old man can’t suddenly transform himself into a benign gentleman.

You’re probably right. What was he talking about, that Golden Animal thing?

Well, every year, for New Year in the lunar calendar, an animal is chosen to be the Golden Animal. He will be the representative animal for that particular year bearing his species, so I am told.

You want to be the Golden Animal?

I hope so, but he told me there were prerequisites.

What sort of prerequisites?

I don’t know. He never revealed anything to me. Now I’m not even sure I was actually dreaming or not. Never mind. Let’s go for breakfast.

(Both Bubbles and Jubilee exit stage left.)

• Music changes to Claire de Lune

(All Horses enter stage left, lead by their respective Jockeys. They are put in the same circular formation, which they had lined up previously. Then the Jockeys leave, exiting the stage from either sides.)

Good night, fellows.

Nitey night.

(Iris yawns.)

Sweet dreams

Sleep tight.

(All Horses drop their head down, as if they are sleeping.)

• Music stops.

(Intruder 1 enters stage right and tiptoes quietly towards the sleeping Horses. Once or twice he steals a glance backward. When he nears the horses, he walks one round about the horses to check on them. Then he beckons to Intruders 2 and 3. Intruders 2 and 3 tiptoe one after the other towards Intruder 1.)

Intruder 1 (in a whisper)
The coast is clear.

Intruder 2 (in a whisper)
Let’s do it.

Intruder 3 (in a whisper)
Where’s the horse which won the Temasek Cup?

Intruder 1 (in a whisper)
Let me see…
(Walks a bit. Suddenly he stops and points towards Thunder.)
Ah-ha! Here he is.

(Intruder 2 produces rope and tiptoes forward in an attempt to tie the rope around Thunder’s neck. But he suddenly trips forward and falls onto Thunder!)

Intruder 1 (hisses)
You stupid fool!

(Thunder suddenly cocks his head up. He looks at Intruder 2, the latter who happens to make eye contact with him. Thunder begins to neigh frantically.)

Intruder 2 (angrily)
Shut up!
(Attempts to tie the rope around Thunder’s neck.)

(Thunder’s cries awake the other horses. Upon seeing what has happened, they begin to neigh incessantly and alarmingly. They turn their bodies around to face the Intruders. Intruder 2 drops the rope and hurries back to Intruder 1’s side. Intruder 3 slowly backs away. Intruder 1 produces a gun and fires into the air. BANG! All the horses are stunned for a moment, then in fright, they start to neigh and gallop about madly. Intruder 2 tries to seized the opportunity to re-capture Thunder, so sneaks in through the chaos and reaches for the rope. Intruder 1 fires another shot, and the horses suddenly make a beeline for stage left, leaving Jubilee and Thunder alone. Thunder is struggling to free himself from the clutches of Intruder 2. At this moment, Jubilee rushes up and knocks Intruder 2 down. Intruder 2 falls on his back. Intruder 3 brandishes a knife and rushes forward towards Jubilee, the knife held high as if to stab Jubilee anytime. The man only manages to scratch Jubilee a little before Jubilee kicks him in the groin and he too, falls in pain. Intruder 1 aims his gun towards Jubilee -)

Intruder 1
Take this, you stupid horse!
(Takes aim with the gun)

(At this moment, security and police officers rush in through stage left.)

Officers (shout in unison)
Hands up! And drop your weapons!

Intruder 2 and 3 scramble to their feet and stand beside Intruder 1. Intruder 1 seems unchallenged.

Intruder 1 (laughs)
Get me if you can!

(At this moment, Jubilee limps silently behind Intruder 1. Using his hind legs, he kicks Intruder 1 in the back. With a yell, Intruder 1 falls forward and flat onto the floor. The gun he is holding falls a distance away. Officers quickly surround him and aim their guns at him.)

Lead Officer
Freeze! You’re under arrest!
(A few Officers haul Intruder 1 roughly to his feet.)
You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say now can be used against you in court.

(A few other Officers round up Intruders 2 and 3. All Intruders have their hands up in surrender. All Intruders are led away by the Officers. They exit stage left. At this time, Johnny rushes towards Jubilee through stage left.)

Johnny (cries)
Jubilee! Jubilee! Are you okay?

(Jubilee neighs.)

Johnny (examines Jubilee’s body and spots the scratch.)
Oh my goodness! How could they scratch you? I’d better send you to the medic.

(Jubilee is led away by Johnny, out through stage left.)


(Jockeys and Horses are led onto the performing arena. Only Johnny and Jubilee are not among them. Again, the horses are put into the same circular formation as before. Then Jockeys exit in various directions.)

Is Jubilee back yet?

He’s still in the sick bay.

(Jubilee begins to enter stage left.)

Aurora (excitedly)
There he is!

(Jubilee joins the group.)

Hi everyone

Jubilee! Are you all right?

Ah, I’m fine already. The Doc plastered my wounds and it’s expected to heal soon.

You’re a hero, Jubilee!

Yeah, you prevented those bad guys from taking Thunder away.

(Horses chatter excitedly. They do not notice that Thunder has begun walking away from the group, towards stage right.)

Jubilee (glances around for Thunder, and upon realising he has left the group, speaks to the rest of the Horses)
Excuse me.

Jubilee leaves the group and walks towards Thunder. The other Horses resume their conversation.

Thunder…you okay?

Thunder (in a soft tone; speaks without looking at Jubilee)

Well, that’s good.

(Turns to face Jubilee)
Want to say sorry – and at the same time, I want to thank you.

It’s okay…it’s really okay…

I’m sorry I mocked at you and made fun of you after winning the cup. I was much too proud. Yet yesterday you still rescued me, despite me treating you badly.

What’s past is past. Don’t rake up the incident again.

Thunder (nods slowly)
Yes, my friend.

(They walk back to rejoin the group.)

• Chariots of Fire start playing.

(Suddenly a voice booms from the background. It is the God of Signs, speaking while being invisible.)

God of Signs (from background)
You have done well.

(Fog begins to filter through the floor.)

Iris (stammering)
Wh…who…who’s that? How come there’s so much smoke?

(God of Signs walks out from hiding underneath the grandstand. He walks slowly and with dignity.)

Jubilee (gasps)
The God of Signs!

(The circular formation of the Horses breaks up. Now the Horses are standing side by side in single file, with Jubilee in the middle.)

God of Signs
My son, you have deserved the status of Golden Animal. Your actions have proven to us that you are the best-suited candidate. Thereupon you shall be crowned as Golden Animal of the Year!

What’s going on?

Jubilee (facing Eddy)
Remember about the old man I was telling you about yesterday?

(God of Signs puts a crown on Jubilee’s head and a medal around his neck.)

How long will you be gone?

Maybe a year, at the most. Then I’ll be back next year to race again.

Bubbles (teasing)
Just don’t eat too much heavenly food and grow fat! Otherwise Johnny can’t ride you anymore.

Jubilee (grinning)
I won’t.

(Suddenly there is a shout)

Messenger (shouts)
His Highness arrives!

(God of Signs turns around to look towards the grandstand. The Jade Emperor, the Heavenly Mother and all the other deities enter the stage the same way as the God of Signs.)

God of Signs (bows respectfully)
My respects to your Highness.

Jade Emperor
Please rise.
(Turns towards Jubilee.)
Young horse, you have shown both courage and compassion. You were brave enough to risk your life to help rescue your fellow horse. Also, you never bore a grudge against him even though he mistreated you before. I am very proud of such actions. Therefore, I and my committee have decided to choose you as our Gold Animal of the Year.

(All the other Horses cheer. HORSE FLOAT enters through stage right and turns 90 degrees left onto the running track. The float stops just before the cast. Jubilee climbs abroad. Float starts moving again. As the float moves, all the cast follow the float from behind, waving to the audience as it moves. The float then exits stage left and turns left at the side of the grandstand once more towards the basketball court, the rest of the cast in procession.)

~~~THE END~~~


I haven’t really thought much about Graduation Ceremonies in school over the past few years. In Secondary One and Two, I never attended, always dodging the volunteerism to attend when asked to do so. In Secondary Three, I was conductor for the Orchestra during a performance at the Ceremony. I also witnessed the goings-on in the hall when it came to our turn to perform. Otherwise, I was around the grass patch outside, chatting away with the other musicians.
For the first time, I was actually inside the hall for the entirety of the ceremony. I was to receive prizes, so I sat with the other recipients near the stage.
Strangely, it seemed as though years had flew since prior seeing everyone else again, when only weeks had passed. The two weeks before, we were allowed to stay home to do our revision. We hardly saw one another unless we returned for extra classes in school.
Contrary to my title of this piece, it wasn’t really the final time we saw each other. We would still come face to face with one another when we returned for the O-Level examinations in November. Come to think of it, I still thought this was the last time we would have ‘fun’ and enjoy each other’s company before we really got down to the serious business of studying real hard for the papers.

The ceremony began promptly at 5:00pm.
The members of the concert band assembled on stage while the host politely called for everyone in the hall to rise in anticipation for the arrival of the Guest of Honour, Mr Jimmy Koh, and several delegates who were part of the alumnus.
Just as the conductor waved her baton, a party of guests streamed into the hall - the VIPs first, followed by the teachers. They took their seats in the middle of the hall and everyone sat down again.
Then came the school song. It never sounded better than ever. Either it was played from high-quality amplifiers or it was the last time I would sing it. I found my voice, and tried to sing along. I found myself stuttering, and I was trembling a little. I didn’t know why. Perhaps it was the music itself; I had heard it being played for the rest of my days in Chung Cheng, and now here it was again. But why did it failed to move me until now?
The awards presentation was the next event. The touching part was the presentation of the Leaving Certificates to each and every Secondary Four student. It was the proudest day for everyone; each and every name was read over the amplifiers to the audience in the hall. No matter who he or she was, he or she was on the stage, in front of hundreds, receiving his certificate that marked the completion of life in Secondary School. They received hugs from their form teachers and words of encouragement; they were tears, and each class, as they bowed and made their exit, received a tremendous applause.
The concert was another memorable event. The ‘Amigos Para Siempre’ segment laid a profound significance on me. The slide show and music captivated me; I failed to appreciate the dancers. The show was synchronised in perfect exaction to the music. As the song was in its introductory stage, we watched as the main gate came into view, and we slid underneath the big words saying ‘Chung Cheng High School’ in Chinese and into the school compound we went. Photographs started to appear on the screen. Memorable photographs of our extra curricular activities, and the moments with our classes. Each Secondary Four class cheered and clapped loudly as their class photographs appeared on the screen, accompanied by powerful music.
The song reached its climax, with the lead singers Sarah Brightman and Jose Carreras belting out ‘Amigos para siempreeee!’ at their highest. The trumpets took over the main theme, and there we were, sliding out of the main gate once more - the very place we had entered.
The audience burst into tremendous applause.

The choir came upstage to perform the Chinese song ‘Farewell’. We sat intently listening to their haunting voices. I had heard the song before on many old Chinese shows, like Tofu Street, and it took me back to the past, when, in the olden days, graduating students also sang this song, accompanied by a simple piano accompaniment.
The Graduation Song was our number. The entire hall stood up to sing, but I think the Secondary Fours sang the loudest. During the rehearsal, everyone was either too shy to sing, or refused to open their mouths to take part in the song. But then, their feelings and patriotism probably got the better of them, and today, everyone sang in their loudest.
If We Hold On Together was a dreamy piece, with some students holding hands and singing. Auld Lang Syne, the traditional classic at Graduation ceremonies and New Year’s Day parties, was the finale. I do not know whether to describe this as a New Year’s Day event or a Graduation Day ceremony, as Mr Yue and students alike were going around shaking hands, and the students held hands and swung in a wave-like fashion - I think there were a few tears.
From our juniors, we received a rendition of Home. The song’s lyrics were the same, except that the word ‘Home’ was replaced by ‘Chung Cheng’. The syllables sounded funny, but it was a good shot.

Most people weren’t concerned how well the food tasted; they clutched cameras and went around taking shots of everybody, or else they made communication with their teachers. There were hugs and kisses and group and solo photographs; the last time we would see anyone so let loose. Believe me, I think this atmosphere is bound to change when the exams proper arrive.
A pity we are under aged, or else we could have popped champagne and drink a toast to everyone, wishing them the best of luck in the exams and their future endeavours. What the heck - it was good enough. Some of the boys took to their last game of soccer - in the darkness. Some barged into the teacher’s Common Room and bade their teachers goodbye and with many acknowledgements. All as if it was nobody’s business. This would probably be the last time we would have so much fun, and we cherished it. Would it be too painful or enjoyable just to re-enact tonight’s scene? I don’t know.
Beautiful memories. Just like the lyrics from Miss Saigon:

"It's telling me to hold you tight
And dance like it's the last night of the world"

Excerpts from "REFLECTIONS BY THE LAKE - Memories of Chung Cheng"

Written as a piece of homework, which was to write a journal about our first three months in TJC. However, I decided to write about CCHS, with whom I have greater and more enjoyable memories.

* * *


As an old school, Chung Cheng High has often been rumoured to be plagued with ghosts. A few notable places include the Grand Auditorium (formerly called the ‘Old Audi’) and the CCA Block (formerly named as the ‘Administration Block’; that was, until the Grand Auditorium was renovated and then the staff moved their offices from this particular building).
There was a story behind the CCA Block haunting. It was centred on this girl, who was very bright and managed to enter the Special Stream in the school. Unfortunately, she was involved in an accident, which caused her some brain problems. As a result, she had to move to the Express Stream.
During an examination, for no obvious reason, she suddenly dashed out of the classroom. The astounded teachers followed her. She scooted up the CCA Block to the topmost floor, and appeared at the small window located at the very end of the corridor facing the Grand Auditorium. She threatened to take her life. The teachers gathered at the base of the building facing the façade where that window was. They coaxed her not to do so. But their plea fell on deaf ears.
It was a sad day. But it left a legacy.
It was said that, if one stared at that particular window on the fourth floor at midnight, one would see a female ghost. One of my friends has claimed to see it, but I am unsure whether his claim is true or false.
Most of the stories, however, concern the Grand Auditorium building. It is really a marvellous structure, filled with Oriental flavour – to be precise, from Mao Zedong’s period. There is a gigantic auditorium behind – large enough to be compared to the Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall, although the acoustics there suck.
Magnificent by day, eerie by night. That’s what the seniors used to describe the grand old dame, before she was given a facelift. That claim is rather substantial; the entire school is rather spooky at night, before the lights were erected.
There was the story about the haunted piano backstage. There were actually two pianos. The grand piano used for concerts and recitals was harmless, but the other piano, hidden from audience view, was the nightmare.
This piano was a small upright model, made in China since it bore the name of Pearl River. It was in a dilapidated condition, with a hollow timbre and splitting wood surface. It must have been there since the time of the Communist Insurgence.
This piano seemed to have a mind of its own. Once, a few girls, who had been exploring the backstage, decided to enter the dressing room and close the door. While the door was shut, they thought they heard someone playing the piano. They knew it couldn’t have come from the grand piano since it was located on the stage. The sound was quite audible. They deduced it came from the piano outside the dressing room, which was that upright piano. They opened the door to see who was it playing, but they saw no one. It confirmed their suspicions – if there had been someone else, they would have heard his footsteps. The door of the dressing room was not exactly soundproof.
The other incident was more shocking. Apparently a girl had played on the piano for fun. When she returned to class for her lesson, her friends found that she acted rather weirdly. Halfway through the lesson, she let out an abrupt ear-piercing scream, which shocked the entire population of the class. Her teacher understood that she wasn’t trying to attract any attention, since before that she had been relatively quiet, except for some gibberish that she mumbled to no one in particular. They determined that there was something wrong with her.
Her fears – and the class’ fears – were confirmed after the girl quietened down and began drawing. The object she penned on the paper was – that very piano she had played earlier in the day.
She had been possessed.
After the renovation, the piano had been removed, so there is no knowing what would be the fate of the piano.

The history of Chung Cheng stretched to the wartime era.
There was talk of a tunnel leading from the old library on the second floor of the Old Auditorium to the pond. It was rumoured to have been utilised by the Japanese when they occupied the school for their war efforts. But since then, this claim had been termed as ‘ultimate bullshit’ since no tunnel was reported when the pond was emptied for the construction of the new extension block.
A magnificent and enormous portrait of the school’s founder and first principal, Dr Chuang Chu Lin, hung on the third floor of the Grand Auditorium. Back then, there was a large mezzanine, which could be used as a reception area for functions, before the contractors converted that into a teachers’ workroom. Dr Chuang’s portrait hung from one of these walls. It showed his full figure, dressed in a dark-coloured jacket and trousers. One hand was hidden in a pocket, the other holding a book. The background was that of the shelves in a library.
There was something about this portrait that made the students uneasy, especially when they were all alone on the mezzanine level. One would have the feeling of being watched – as if Dr Chuang’s eyes had come to life and were tailing every movement one made.
During the renovation, the portrait was removed and stored in the PE store at the CCA Block. Once I went into this very PE store for an exploration – and discovered the portrait of Dr Chuang hidden behind some piles of desks. It gave me quite a shock, partly because only his face was revealed and it stared at me with unnerve.
I dashed out of that room without hesitation.

Every year, during the Secondary One orientation, such stories would be passed down by mouth from the seniors to the juniors. Often the tales had modifications, partly due to the fact that such stories could not be remembered in total completion by the storyteller, or that some parts of the stories were hard to believe. Either way, through the process of retelling them, the storyteller would change bits of the stories. There were also claims of white figures jumping at the small windows of the sixth story of the Grand Auditorium, just below the roof. The fourth storey itself had been locked throughout, since the school wanted to prevent students from hiding up there to take a puff, or conceal themselves there for the purpose of cheating in an exam.

* * *

The Class Population
My class was called ‘Benevolence’; in short form it would be written as ‘BN’. I was in this class for the rest of my Upper Secondary days. And the people there would leave a great impression on me for the rest of my life. Most of the people were interesting characters.

• Kenny Phua: ‘Phuazzy’ often wrote stories – fantasy stories to be exact. Note that these characters were actually names of our classmates.
• Edwin Lee: Edwin was cute and lean. He enjoyed reading comics, and often hid them under his table. He had an extremely weird way of pronouncing words, but they contributed to the fun anyway.
• Adrian Chui: Adrian was fondly remembered for the bandage on his head. During the 2.4km run, he inexplicably rammed his head headfirst into a lamppost. How he did that and why he did that still remained a mystery. Anyway, not long afterwards, our class took a class photograph. I wouldn’t have to tell anyone which person in the photograph was Adrian.
• Shaun Lim: Shaun enjoyed wrestling; he used to organise wrestling in class during recess. Of which the boys from the other classes would come in and observe.
• Kang Liedong: Liedong was mad about Hitler. In fact, he excelled at Hitler too. He scored tops during a History test about the Nazis. His favourite slogan, obviously, was: “Heil Hitler!”
• Bernard Ng: Bernard was a poor thing; he was often made fun of. There were too many jokes anyway.
• Koh Chong Tang: Chong Tang was nicknamed ‘Elmo’ due to his resemblance to the character from Sesame Street. He was a talented guy; he could play the sheng (Chinese Mouth Organ). He could twist his foot such that it faced backwards while he walked forward, and he kept making burping noises to irritate, especially, the girls.
• Chen Zhihan: Zhihan sat behind me in class. He was often complaining about one thing or another. Forever complaining.
• Xu Li’En: Li’En was a cute guy, tall and thin, always chasing the girls – or was I wrong? Anyway, he was an Internet whiz and always hung out on the IRC. He excelled in Chinese chess – well, he was in the Chinese Chess Club anyway!
• Poh Yong Chuan: our class called him ‘Pimp Daddy’. He was kind of disgusting. Someone tried to revere and increase that status by placing a couple of pornographic VCDs on his table during recess, when Yong Chuan was not around. Too bad the other boys jested him.
• Sng Teck Hoo: he knew how to get into fights with others – I tried to avoid offending him as much as possible, but turned out he was nicer than expected.
• Jasmine Ong: the English whiz and ‘Machine Gun’ known for her rapid firing of words. We had always wondered how she had that American accent while the others in her family had none.
• Yau Wan Ping: argh! I’m sorry to say that she was a termagant.
• Sim Chon Ju: our class called her the ‘Dog’ because of her hairstyle, which resembled that of a terrier’s. She was persuaded to change her hairstyle, but would she listen? No. Later, when she tried to cut her hair, the boys jested her even more severely.
• Wilson Tan: this guy was a basketball pro, yet a pain in the neck in school. He was either farting during classes, or disturbing the girls, especially those sitting around him, by doing vile acts.
• Leung Ka Kui: Ka Kui always found himself sleeping in class for some inexplicable reason. Which resulted him being ticked off by teachers frequently.

* * * * *


Men will always be men.

And so Men love wrestling.

They can easily rattle off wrestlers’ names, such as The Rock, Kurt Russell, The Undertaker, and a whole list of them.

And it is so that a few of the men in my class have the urge to play rough themselves. Which is why they organised wrestling tournaments almost every recess.

As soon as the bell rang, a representative would be sent downstairs to smuggle food into the classroom. He would take orders from the boys, go to the canteen to purchase the food, and sneak it back by hiding the packets into his schoolbag on the pretext that he had just come from another lesson. Meanwhile, the other boys prepared the wrestling arena, where the matches would be held. The student desks would be pushed back, while the large teacher’s table remained. The desk was a reminiscence of the commentaries’ table used in professional wrestling matches. It was actually a prop that was hinged in the exact middle, such that when a professional wrestler landed on it, it would break into half as if caused by the massive weight of a muscular participant.

Shaun Lim, Ka Kui and Adrian were the main wrestlers. Shaun was a short stocky and bespectacled guy - although he lacked the muscles, his figure was sufficient to knock down any opponent, particular the extremely lean Adrian.

The matches would begin without any formalities. Our wrestlers would charge at each other, and bump their bodies. “Oof!” they cried, and then sprung backward, as if the force threw them apart from one another. Adrian would attempt to lunge at Shaun once again, only to be thrown onto the teacher’s table with great force. Of course, this was all in the act. Adrian merely exerted force onto the table, such that a loud bang was produced.

The boys applauded thunderously.

There was no proper ring; both widths of the classroom substituted as the rope that held the wrestlers within the ring. It was up to the wrestlers in our class to make the effect of ‘bouncing’ off the rope as real as possible. The rope was used as an accelerating tool to hit the opponent at full force.

The wrestling matches are too much to describe; I have provided the basic details about each match. One has to watch it in full to appreciate the humour and the action of the both the wrestlers and the audience. Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist anymore.

* * * * *


I first got to conduct my school’s Chinese Orchestra in 2000. The conductor mentioned that he was unable to attend our school’s Chinese New Year celebrations, so he would need someone else to lead the orchestra on his behalf. He began to question the whole lot of us: “Anybody here who knows how to conduct?”
Secretly, I wished I would be the chosen one. Having sat near the front of the orchestra for almost a year, and watching the conductor rehearsing with us, I took a sudden interest in conducting. I thought that it would be fun to be the figure of authority over the entire orchestra. At the same time, I would be able to polish a work through my own interpretations. In other words, I would command the musicians to play the way I wanted them to play.
One of the mysteries that I had never been able to solve was how I became the chosen one. I had just returned from break, and the other members of the orchestra were already seated. I realised I was late, and hurried back to my place. Suddenly, the conductor, seated at the podium, called me, which led me to stop in my tracks. “August, can you conduct or not?”
I was stunned. I never expected him to call me. My heart missed a double beat, rose to my throat and lodged there. I didn’t know whether I should accept or reject.
Eventually I decided to grab this opportunity, otherwise it would never come again. (Looking back, I realised how regretful I would have felt if I had rejected this invitation, citing that I would not be able to conduct due to the lack of training. But what the heck…please read on.)
The conductor gave me on-the-spot training. The strokes were rather difficult at first, but after waving repeatedly for a few times the whole thing became a piece of cake. I also learnt how to read a conductors’ score, which was much more complicating than an ordinary piano score, since there were twenty to thirty staves on the same sheet of paper, each containing a musicians’ part.
On the big day itself, I was undoubtedly nervous. This was the first time I would ever be on stage. As the curtains were raised, the emcee announced my name to the audience. Those who knew me applauded and cheered, which sort of brought back some confidence into me.
The time now came for me to stride onto stage. I was shaking in the knees as I raised my first baton – not more than a wooden stick meant to be a toy car axle – and commanded the orchestra to play. It was like magic, the orchestra responding to each movement.
I practised body movement in my conducting, for I felt that by standing there and simply waving my hands, I would rather have used a metronome in my place.
I was happy that my first effort didn’t flop, although some teething problems did arise midway through the performance.

The most embarrassing moment of my conducting experience was in the year of 2001, when I was suddenly asked to conduct a small ensemble (from our school) for their performance at the Teacher’s Day Dinner – again for the same reason that the conductor could not make it.
The banquet was held at the Central Parkroyal Hotel in town. The stage was quite small – the percussion had to be moved to the bottom right-hand-side of the stage, and the cellos and double bass had to play on the floor, right next to the guest-of-honours, since the rest of the instruments took up the rest of the space. For me, I improvised standing on the makeshift steps that were meant for the stage. It was narrow and thus hampered movement. But that was the only way for the orchestra to see me, since I would be level with them on stage.
Problems arose, though. First, the two cellists complained that they could not see me. I was standing above them and their score was below them. There was no way either one could enter their eye at the same time. Similarly, the percussion remarked they were blocked by the rostrum, which was not allowed to be moved due to the complications in re-setting it once again. The guest-of-honour, Mr Jimmy Koh, would be using the rostrum immediately after we took our bow. The technical crew did not wish to keep Mr Koh waiting, so the podium stayed. I told the percussionists to shift their instruments more towards the right so that they were in full view. Then again, they were getting too close to one of the tables. There was no choice. I myself was standing too close to the guests, whose heads were just below me. I had to swing my arms a couple of times – with someone sitting below me – to ensure that I would not hit anybody during the performance. I had given no thought about scooping up a wig and hurling it into the hair – probably onto someone else’s head.
At that time, I hadn’t bought a proper conducting baton, so I improvised using balloon sticks instead. I bought a couple of them, in case one of them broke during the performance. These sticks were hollow, and through force they snapped.
Suddenly, the emcee told everybody in the room to rise. There were teachers from Chung Cheng High School – the Main and Branch schools – as well as lecturers and tutors from Nanyang Junior College, our affiliated school. Everybody presumed that the guests-of-honour had arrived. We were running late by half an hour, anyway, and the emcee kept pacifying everyone that they would be arriving soon. Well, they should have known this was no old wedding dinner. Anyway, I prepared the orchestra. I straightened my blazer, tensioned my body, ready to swing my ‘baton’ as soon as the guests walked in.
Luckily I didn’t. The emcee later said that the information was false – he bypassed it as a sort of rehearsal for everyone. I relaxed, and told the orchestra to loosen up.
But moments later, the emcee instructed everyone to rise again. We thought this was another joke, but it was really for real. I prepared the orchestra once more. My heart was beating very fast, probably a hundred counts per minute.
“Please welcome our guests-of-honour!” Without thinking, I raised by ‘baton’ and swung it down hard.
Snap! The stick broke into two pieces; one long, the other short. The longer piece fell onto the floor. The orchestra continued playing.
Mrs Cheng, who was sitting nearest to where the piece had fallen, retrieved it for me. I uttered my thanks and gave another swing at a strong point in the music.
Snap! Again, the stick broke into even smaller pieces. I was flabbergasted. I mouthed to Mrs Cheng to leave it alone. Then I threw down the remaining piece and continued conducting without any stick.
Up till now I still could not believe I was laughing that day. The guests were all laughing. The orchestra, as I was to learn later, didn’t dare to look at me for the fear of breaking into laughter as well and cause mayhem in the ballroom.
There was another blooper that no one really noticed; near the end of the second piece, I leaned much too forward, and nearly collapsed on top of the music stand. Effectively, I would have ended up on the floor.

I became the student conductor for another two years, until I left the school. I began to take the whole issue seriously, properly studying the scores before rehearsals.
But I was a mere Assistant Conductor. I only filled in for the conductor whenever he did not come for practices, or when he was unable to attend performances. What I considered absurd would be for me to conduct the orchestra for a few minutes before the conductor himself actually arrived. Break ended at 10:30am, and for the next half an hour I was supposed to take over the orchestra. Then the conductor would come and I would return to my seat. Yet it took ages to settle everyone down. No one realised the urgency to rush back and get seated so that practice could resume. The musicians returned with packets of fries and drinks, strode in through the doors, chit-chatted with their closest pals and took their time to sit down with their instruments. They were extremely uncooperative during tunings and practices. Mass tuning itself constituted almost half of my allocated time. By the time I started, I was left with only fifteen minutes or so, which was quite ridiculous. Fifteen minutes were sufficient to warm up the orchestra before the conductors’ arrival. I might as well not conduct at all.
The most fruitful period of conducting had to be that of the December holidays in 2001. It was supposed to be a one Saturday affair, but then I kept going back every week. During this time, I ran through lots of pieces with them. I affirmed my relationship with the orchestra. I was able to know more people, and at the same time, try to understand and fix problems within the orchestra. I was still bogged down by bad attitude and the lack of motivation, which contributed to inter-disciplinary problems for the musicians.
It was never a pleasant experience to shout at the musicians, or pick on any of them. I would go home after practices feeling very bad and downcast. Things do not go well, and I try not to make a big fuss out of it. But sometimes I really felt as if I had failed in taking charge of these musicians.
The last straw came after I wrote an email which was distributed to each and every Committee Member. I mentioned about my feelings towards the musicians – I had no hard feelings, neither did I accuse them of making my life miserable every time I tried to conduct. On the other hand, I sought for improvement. Something had to be done about these musicians and it was high time they woke up. I guessed we had slackened since the days of the Singapore Youth Festival competition. After writing that letter, I felt much better. In fact, I was looking forward to a much fruitful practice section with them.
And they did. I was very touched.

* * * * *



At every sports meet, there will always be background people besides the athletes. Those people who help make the event a success, a breeze for the athletes, and those who come and motivate the athletes in bringing glory for themselves. This is a tribute to these people today and their feelings towards this year’s results during the Four-School Combined Sports Meet.

By August Lum and Justin Lam

The sun pours its scorching rays upon the earth – and upon the students seated on the rows of benches.
Here, either you love it or hate it; you have to endure it for the next couple of hours. What is supposed to be lovely, sunny weather, becomes a microwave menace. Most students simply despise being fried in the open. Take for example: Xu Li Chong.
Li Chong complains about the scorching sun. But he is not in the boat alone. Others share the same sentiments. Jasmine Ong claims, “We were not allowed to open our umbrellas. So we have no choice but to endure the heat.” Alicia Lim says, “It’s hot and sucky.”
Even the teacher agrees. Mrs Shahilla Raj chips in, “I feel the heat too, but my students cool me down.” She chuckles. “Sincerely, I think the school should provide caps for the Secondary Fours. But it’s okay as long as I have my umbrella.”
But for others, the heat is nothing, compared to the performance of the athletes on the track. Making our rounds, we spot Mr Chua Chor Loon squinting in the sun at the sandpit of the Long Jump, as he prepares to record results. He sees no signs of fatigue; the heat hasn’t drained his energy. In fact, he jokingly adds that he got lots of Vitamin D out there!

From the field, we can see the spectators’ grandstand clearly. The colours of each and every student’s shirt are striking. From left to right, Ngee Ann shows off its blue T-shirts. Chung Cheng floods its area in white; so does Dunman. Temasek is the multicoloured rainbow for the day, with its red, blue, yellow, green and purple T-shirts.
Cheers erupt from time to time, like choirs competing to outdo one another. Occasionally, the students rise to perform the Kallang Wave, a human wave that sweeps across one end of the stadium to another. There is not one conductor among them, but several. Our councillors do not wield the baton silently. Instead, they rally about like politicians from the sixties, when Singapore was fighting for independence, holding up gigantic placards bearing numbers of each respective cheer. And they make good progress without microphones or megaphones.
Ronny Tandanu is the man behind it all, or the Second-in-command, after Marc Lee, the head of the councillors. He spoke to us about his work with the students.
“It’s marvellous being here,” he replies with a radiant smile of pride on his face, as he watches his councillors actively clap the rhythm of one of the school’s favourite cheers, so-called the “Rock You” cheer, which was supposed to end with four piercing screams. “We should be proud of our school. Since we’re Secondary Fours, we are the leaders of the school. Cheerleading is really an amazing thing to do.”
Commenting on his councillor’s work: “I’m proud of my councillors, as well as the students. The atmosphere is good, even in the hot temperature. Hopefully, next year’s Sports Meet will be more spontaneous. Unfortunately, some students can’t be bothered. On the whole, the majority of them are enthusiastic about it.”
Madam Teo Sioe King, who is in charge of the Secondary Threes, thinks otherwise. “Bad. They are reluctant to cheer or wave. No co-operation, unity or enthusiasm.”
Interviewing Shaun Lim, one of the student spectators, we found his comment positive. “I’m proud of it [the Kallang Wave]. I feel so energetic. I cheered damn loud!”
There were others with negative comments. “It’s boring and stupid,” Sim Chon Ju said of the Kallang Wave. On the other hand, she cheered enthusiastically “until no sound.”
We leave the grandstand for the field. In the sheltered concrete path just beneath the grandstand, there is a hive of activity. Imagine the subway station, where people walk by each other, or simply sit down and watch time tick by. That is exactly the scene that is happening.
A buffet is in full swing at Gate One. Here the air is cool, and the teachers have congregated here for a well-deserved break, having been out in the desert-like field for an hour or so. They are having refreshments, and talking amongst themselves and comrades from other schools. There shows no sign of rivalry here.
Miss Tan Sek Jiau, one of the teachers-on-charge of athletics in the school, agrees to be interviewed. She is in charge of the javelin event today, and her job is to ensure that no one plays foul. She is especially proud of our school team, as they got a gold this year.
Mr Chua is also there. He’s still as energetic as ever; seems that the sun has not worn him out after all. He grins all the time as he relates the results for the long jump competition: “We came in first and second!”
Mr Marcus Kuek and Miss Ng Lee Hua, who have been manning the finishing line for the relay events, chip in, “Our competitors have tried their best, although the other schools are stronger.”
Mrs Lee Wan Lan does not have any idea what is going on. “I haven’t been watching the competition. Anyway, my duty is to look after the students.”

It is now mid-morning. Mr Sequeira stands under the glare of the hot sun, his shadow casting a black spot over the bright red track. He squints intently at the competition going on in the discus pit.
“It’s [This year’s performance] much more competitive than last year,” he says, referring to the standards of our worthy opponents. “We are strong in the field events such as these. But in the case of running, we are relatively weak.
“But we will improve the running standards of our athletes. At the same time, we will still maintain the high standard of performance in the field events,” he smiles with a twinkle in his eye.
Inside the pit itself is Justin Lam, a scout. The scouts this year are all from Chung Cheng High. Each year, every school participating in the meet send in one of team of helpers, be it Girl Guides or St John’s Ambulance Brigade. Justin is honoured to be helping out, adding, “It is interesting to see our athletes compete, to be the best among the best.” It’s tough being a helper, he continues, as they get little breaks. Helpers have to stand under the scorching sun for long. “But it isn’t tough if you have the interest,” he chuckles. In face, he gets a sense of satisfaction out of helping the athletes ease their troubles.
Another scout, Goh Weihan, was spotted sitting in the shade under the audience grandstand. He has been working for a long time, and is taking a well-deserved break right now. He is tired, and doesn’t pay much attention to the races. He’s waiting for the very moment when the whole sports meet would end.

The final event has everyone in the stadium jumping to their feet: watching their teachers outdo one another in the name of sports.
The idea was to carry table tennis balls on a spoon without dropping them. The teachers were supposed to get to their partners on the opposite side and hand the spoon with the ball over to the next teacher. The fastest team won. The Chung Cheng teachers came in first in this event.
They were jumping with joy when we approached them. They didn’t think it was very tough; in fact, it was very good. To them, it was a big sense of achievement.
So what was on their mind during the race?

So here the winners receive their prizes, much to the happiness of the crowd – our school winning medals and the students being able to leave the hot, scorching stadium. Everything will be back to normal by the next week, where the Sports Meet quickly becomes forgotten. Until next year, where the teachers will get together to plan for the next meet, and the students’ cheers will erupt the stadium once more.
Kudos to these unsung heroes.

The above article was written during my last Sports Meet. Mr Mustafa had been looking for student reporters to write about the Sports Meet, and I was glad that I had been picked to do the job. I got to relieve some boredom. I was sitting like a roast turkey in an oven. The stupidest things about stadium architecture is that the grandstands always face the east. They were obviously designed for evening use, when the sun would be behind. In the morning, the UV rays touched us directly. The National Stadium was not the only one…in fact; most other stadiums were designed the same way.
I had never enjoyed sports meets.

* * * * *


This would be an episode that I would never forget for the rest of my life.
It happened just before the Physical Education (PE) lesson. Most of the class had left for the basketball court, while a few others, including me and about three or four girls, were left. The victim – let’s call him X for the sake for anonymity – was with us – obviously.
So the rest of us were changing. Most of us wore our PE attire inside our uniforms, so all we had to do was to take off the exterior layer of clothing. X did the same. He took off his shirt like the rest of us, and then prepared to take off his pants.
The incident happened right here.
X took off his pants like everybody else. I was the first one to see everything. I was standing in front of him. I was the first one to raise the alarm.
“Goodness! X! What are you doing?”
Everybody turned their heads towards us.
It turned out that X had revealed his underwear. He’d probably presume he had worn his PE shorts inside, but in reality he hadn’t. He had revealed his yellow underwear.
The news spread like wildfire. By the end of PE, the entire class had learnt about it. By the next week, the other classes got wind of it.
Ironically, for mathematics, we were studying Pythagoras’ Theorem. One of the students likened the underwear to the right-angled triangle. Coincidentally, during Chinese, we were asked to write an essay entitled An Incident. As expected, most of the students wrote about that incident. Most unexpectedly, the victim was game enough to write about his embarrassing account.

* * *


I had failed Secondary Two Mathematics, partly due to my lacklustre attitude, and partly due to the incompetence of the new teachers who were assigned to my class. Although I did fare well for my final year exam, my grades for the entire year were never sufficient enough to give me a decent B3 to take Additional Mathematics.
So I was given the choice that I never chose during the streaming process. This was the last choice of the lot: combined Science, Accounting and Humanities. I didn’t know whether to be upset or happy about this. Openly, I felt it was a disgrace, since in Secondary Two, I was in the best class in the entire Express Stream for that level. Secretly, I was happy that I would not be taking Additional Mathematics and Science subjects. I preferred the Humanities. To tell the truth, actually it was my parents who wanted me to take Additional Mathematics, for they felt that Accounting could be learnt later. It would have been better for me to master the basics of Mathematics first.

There were three classes studying the same combination as I did. The classes were renamed “Benevolence, Courage, Diligence, Empathy” and so on and so forth by then Principal Mr Yang Che Kay because he wanted to eliminate the negative thoughts of students who were in one of the last few classes, and play down on the haughtiness of those in the top classes. Either way, there would be no differentiation to who was in the best class.
Nevertheless, as the months passed, it could be felt that we were the inferior lot, even though we were in Class Benevolence, situated at the top of the entire Secondary Three and Four level. It fuelled the students’ attitude that they were not capable of achieving results. So they slackened. After school they played LAN games, or went bowling. They got home late at night, never did their homework, and came back to school the next day awaiting punishment. The more this process played on, the more fed up the teachers got. Virtually every lesson preceding the other would be a scolding session. Praise was rare in the class. Even so, the class stuck firmly to its old attitude.
The class had always suspected that other teachers looked down on them, and their methods of action were taken seriously that they were trying to express their dislike for our class. We felt discriminated. There was an incident by which one member of our class was yanked up from his seat just because he forgot to bring his storybook for silent reading. The other students, who had not brought their books, had already stood in line in front of the whole assembly. One of the Chinese teachers thus caught this classmate of mine without a book. He refused to stand up initially and politely demanded to know why he had to and why students from other classes, particularly those from the Science classes, who had not brought their books didn’t.
This infuriated the teacher. She said angrily, “Will you stand up or not?”
He reiterated, “Why should I?”
The teacher became even angrier. This time, she violently yanked our classmates’ uniform in an effort to force him to stand. She pulled so hard that we were all afraid she would tear his uniform. Eventually he gave in. He said in a dissatisfied tone, “Fine, I’ll stand.” I could sense he was glaring at the teacher. But the teacher seemed to dissipate all those hard feelings directed towards her.
This incident sparked controversy over the Internet, within the confines of our class forum. Some voiced their anger towards the incident. Others vouched for an approach where action would be taken.
I brought my committee together, and we discussed what should be done about the class. Low morale until the rest of the year was not going to be helpful. The lack of motivation would have disastrous effects on our classmates, especially for the all-important examinations that would determine our future.
Simultaneously, the teachers tried their best to encourage us, and to offer praise. Unfortunately, old habits stuck.
Yet the turning point would soon arrive. Our class made it to the finals for the debate, and eventually championed the event. It was nice to see the students from the other accounting classes supporting us in the final battle for the cup.
The class was exuberant. Messages of congratulations poured through our class forum. Our class definitely felt better now. We had beat the other Science and Special Classes to emerge tops in the competition. The teachers offered their commended us for our efforts.
My committee hoped that this event would turn the students around. It did – but to a certain extent. Academically, we were scolded here and there for not handing in assignments. Yet I guessed everybody perked up as the Prelims came around the corner. For the first time, everyone cut down on games and went home straight after school. Of course, I had no idea what they did behind closed doors. Anyway, only a few people maintained their game-play at LAN shops island-wide.
Our class needn’t have fret though. We did score better in some subjects as compared to the other classes. Grades aside, some teachers even praised us for being more responsive than the other classes. Not to mention that we were rather enthusiastic and close to each other. I’m not trying to prove anything, but just to say that, even as an Accounting class, we did not have to feel inferior to the Sciences.

* * *


Note: The following texts, or rather, messages have been left unedited; they are as they were on the Internet. This is for purposes of authencity…

Super Standard Gossip Post

The Rock
today wei han cried in the middle of the class.however,we are unable to find out the causes of his unusual behavior.a few witnesses had told the papers that Goh chong tang had brought a device that sings buddhist songs and playing around with adjusting it's volume to full blast and walking around like a cool dude.Moments after wei han broke out in tears he was surrounded by several deeply concerned girls both from 4bn and cr.we have interviewed one of wei han's good friend EDWIN LEE CHUN KIAT OF 4BN.he told the papers that wei han acted perfectly normal during recess but suddenly broke out in tears after returning to class is it becoz of that buddhust song?or other factors?we will bring you with the up dates as soon as possible.I am THE ROCk,and i wil see you as always in the standard gossip post,see you next week.

why why why ...did wei han cry?????????
Is it because of girls.......
or is it because of school work or overstress??????
It's a mysterious.....only wei han...the victim can solve it....can somebody please tell him to come here & have an interview...(reported by a passerby)

Rock, you were the one who brought the device that sings Buddhist songs to the toilet and let everyone heard it.

yar yar yar...not nice to tok bout stuff like this lar.
i cried cos that buddhist song was playing 24/7 during my grandmother's funeral earlier this month. now drop it alright?

ooo.............the stupid buddhist song????
well well well...guess i missed was the song like?

The Rock
Hi it's the Rock here again! And this time he has another story in mind but not enough materials. Can anyone tell how Russell was dumped by Wen Ting? This is my next story. If any one can provide me with information, I would be very thankful. Thank you very much!

[H]eero [Y]uy
This place not nice to talk in…

The Rock
(names and time of event were changed to protect privacy) hello,more news from The Rock.About 2 years ago,a strange and short relationship broke out between two young,innocent,(that's only based on my theory,the practice is unknown except 4 the two main characters below.)teens.They were Russell (now in 4HM)and Cheng Wei Tang (now in 4BN).The People's Champion had interviewed one of Wei Tang's best friend(it was said that he is now WeiTang's boyfriend)Foh Fei Fan told the papers that Wei Tang was QUITE flirtatious during class and he had witnesssed that She managed to retrieve her handphone from Mr Quake using A lot of flirtatious glances and a lot of eeeeeeee's and oooooooo' wonder she was named playgirl of the year by the class!!!!anyway,The Rock had interviewed Russell.He was EXETREMELY angry when the great one asked her about WeiTIng.
who the ---------censored----------she think she is?----------------censored-----------'.the brahma bull had managed to interview another frind of her's Soan Joon 'She is a very guai girl and SELDOM talk in class even Mdm Tan Zee Zee had high praises for her.Mrs Faj said she is a very very good girl and ONLY uses handphone during recess and after school.'that is all for this week and the rock will see you always in the standard gossip post thank you very much!!!

yone tell how russell was dumped by wen ting?this is my next story.if any one can provide me with information,i woud b very thankful thank you very much!

[H]eero [Y]uy
this place not nice to talk in...

The Rock
(names and time of event were changed to protect privacy) hello,more news from The Rock.About 2 years ago,a strange and short relationship broke out between two young,innocent,(that's only based on my theory,the practice is unknown except 4 the two main characters below.)teens.They were Russell (now in 4HM)and Cheng Wei Tang (now in 4BN).The People's Champion had interviewed one of Wei Tang's best friend(it was said that he is now WeiTang's boyfriend)Foh Fei Fan told the papers that Wei Tang was QUITE flirtatious during class and he had witnesssed that She managed to retrieve her handphone from Mr Quake using A lot of flirtatious glances and a lot of eeeeeeee's and oooooooo' wonder she was named playgirl of the year by the class!!!!anyway,The Rock had interviewed Russell.He was EXETREMELY angry when the great one asked her about WeiTIng.
who the ---------censored----------she think she is?----------------censored-----------'.the brahma bull had managed to interview another frind of her's Soan Joon 'She is a very guai girl and SELDOM talk in class even Mdm Tan Zee Zee had high praises for her.Mrs Faj said she is a very very good girl and ONLY uses handphone during recess and after school.'that is all for this week and the rock will see you always in the standard gossip post thank you very much!!!

Xu Li`en a.k.a nEiLuX^15
here's your 2nd newscaster of the day, un-WAR. 'fternoon gentleman. the old practice is still used, yes. many many hours ago in the class of 4bn , a youth was caught reading a magazine of ------censored------, gotten it from a young lady, cheng wei tang, perhaps all of you remember her name during my counterpart's interview. the youth, only identified as "the nuisance" drooled as he scanned the magazine and asked many others of the same race over to have a quick glance at it, many of whom die of overdose of hormonal anxiety and it was too intense, that the heat was felt over a hundred inches away. just a couple of hours after the incident, another teenager, by the name of fAtWiN, got a health magazine from the air-conditioned library and proudly shares it with other monkeys from his pack. fortunately, no signs of injury or fatalities were found, but it was reported that one of the monkeys, fanny fua, was caught sleeping with the magazine on his -----censored----- by an well-grown matured adult, without laces on her shoe, and was set free after 20 seconds of interrogation.
As we can see from these incidents, i can conclude, that there are a million times more news than these s*it, and more newscasters are required, other than the rock, and the degenerated, un-WAR, also known as the angry blonde, eMiN3m.
Thank You and have a 'severed-head' day (from august).

The Rock
yes!The rock agrees pls feel free to do any reports here and share it with others if it is not too erotic or offensive to anyone the report should not be less than 350 words and more than 1000 words.The rock hereby have another article to with the MILLIONS AND THE MILLIONS OF ROCk's FANS!!!on the 30th jan 2001,three people arrived at Parkway burger king.They were the people's champion and Foh Fei Fan.In the middle of their meal,in walked 2 gorgeous lady wearing white shirts and blue skirts.Fei Fan says that they were fr. Geylang medodist but obviously,the rock knows that they were fr. Broadrick.Fei FAn had even(coz they were seated near the window facing the main road and there is a slope there that can easily see through dresses,)Fei FAn had suggested that we walk down the slope to see it.But just a second mister,who do u think The Rock is!!!He has maximum resistance against qiu bu not coz he's gay but becoz he's a jun zi!!!!obviously,the pple's champ refused but Fei Fan had pulled the Brahma Bull along!normally,Fei Fan could never ever do that coz The Rock is too powerful for him to overcome.However in this case,he somehow managed to do it(remember the motivation course where it says that blah blah blah? i think it works on him this time.)and when we reached the slope,The great one immediately lowered his head but Fei FAn had looked n later told me that it was pink in color.For this matter,i had interviewed one of his friend Fatwin Fee Fun Fiat of 4Bn.he told the papers that Fei FAn often tocks bout erotic stuffs.HOW DISGUSTING!!!!!!!
thank you for joining me I m The rock and i will always see you on Standard Gossip post.see you next time


"Full of nonsense", says ex-dictator Goh Weihan

4BN, CCHSm-- Slanderous newscaster, commonly known as the Rock, has been accused of being "full of nonsense" and "totally calumnious" by the ex-dictator of class 4bn today during a midnight computer usage session.
According to Weihan, the Rock has been spreading many rumours and altering many of the news articles he has posted to make himself look good. "It is totally unacceptable", says Weihan, "that this man here should, without any signs of shame nor dishonour, alter facts and show to the public about many sensitive issues that may cause sorrow in the victims of his mostly untrue news articles."
The Rock denied charges and, when threatened with a fist, did not show the least sign of fear. "What i have said is entirely true, to the extent of my knowledge. Whether you believe it or not, is entirely up to you." An unhappy reader told Benevolent Times that he was extremely displeased at the way the Rock was spouting rubbish and writing out untruths in the papers. "I am most disappointed with this sort of behaviour. This show of dishonest behaviour by the Rock has left me with nothing but his distaste. These articles are not nice to read."
Trials are still taking place, but it is to our belief and our honest opinion that the Rock is mostly in the wrong, and that he should, at least, make up for it by compensating the victims that has been involved in his obloquy.
© Copyright 2001 Benevolent, Inc., All rights reserved.

[H]eero [Y]uy


[H]eero [Y]uy
anyone in the right mind would say that adrian is in the shut up for once and if you are really in a right mind... apologise... afterall... one friend is better than an enemy...
and if anyone scolds adrian for gossiping... he deserves it...

The Rock

Xu Li`en a.k.a nEiLuX^15
This is a public services announcement brought to you by nin neh lan gor jiam: Yesterday 4 teens were spotted at Long John Silvers' Parkway branch, whereby one of the, an odd-job labourer, Foh Fei Fan, was accepting bribes from his pals to approach, allegedly a teacher in TKGS, and another innocent girl from TKSS, xue*ing (names are either withheld or marked with asterisk for the victims' safety) It is known that, xue*ing is a sec3 girl and do goes to irc, and left 3 guys, Barf, Fatwin, and Slim waiting for her in a chatroom every day and night. Let's hope they can get their wishes come true. Have a nice day and happy holidays!

The Rock
This is supposed to be a news forum. U can post yor view bout the articles but not other gossip things.

The Rock
WEIHAN!!!!!!!I thoght this is supposed to be confidential!!i guess the rules have changed and i think i also can let other people read the J.C.B. log book gimme a hell yeah if all of ya agree(this book contains alot of secret which i cannot name here

I want to read!!!!!

Xu Li`en a.k.a nEiLuX^15
but not other gossip things.

The Rock
WEIHAN!!!!!!!I thoght this is supposed to be confidential!!i guess the rules have changed and i think i also can let other people read the J.C.B. log book gimme a hell yeah if all of ya agree(this book contains alot of secret which i cannot name here

I want to read!!!!!

Xu Li`en a.k.a nEiLuX^15
Latest News: Due to the benevolenism revolution yesterday, our ex-dictator has fallen and dumped to the post of a consort to the new emperor, nEiLuX. A poll showed that nEiLuX gained 600% more votes while weihan lost 75% of his supporters, and our friend, pok, was grabbed 133 acres, please send aid to him as soon as possible, to all of you, in class or in virtual world, thank you.

hi, weihan is a good man. Adrian is a handsome boy

more news from the game,i m the game and i lov swee huah from 3BN'00.i also lov yau pong and cheng wei tang

The Rock
Wow! Another story for me!!

The Rock
to all of you, in class or in virtual world, thank you.

hi, weihan is a good man.
Adrian is a handsome boy

more news from the game,i m the game and i lov swee huah from 3BN'00.i also lov yau pong and cheng wei tang

The Rock
wow!another story for me!!

The Rock
Hello!!more news from the rock!!On the 16th of feb 2001,during the assembly,Foh Fei Fan of 4Bn brought a small wood pecker toy costing $1 in burger king to school and started playing around with it.He irritated a lot of pple by pecking them on the head.FINALLY, miss ng had confiscated 'woody'(a name weihan called the toy)and told him that she is going to sell it back to Fei Fan for Lots of profit.They r still negociating on the price.We will bring u all the updates as soon as possible thank you very much!

Xu Li`En a.k.a nEiLuX^15
bad news: the emperor or tsar u may call...lost 40% of his is expected to be 8th in the kingdom until tuesday when all exploring is done

The Rock
Poor emperor

Benevolent Rapist
ood pecker toy costing $1 in burger king to school and started playing around with it.He irritated a lot of pple by pecking them on the head.FINALLY, miss ng had confiscated 'woody'(a name weihan called the toy)and told him that she is going to sell it back to Fei Fan for Lots of profit.They r still negociating on the price.We will bring u all the updates as soon as possible thank you very much!

Benevolent Rapist
(names of characters and places of events were changed to protect privacy)hullo,everybody,it's the Benevolent rapist Times here.A few days ago,Fatwin Fee Fhun Fiat of 4Bn was spotted with a mysterious girl in Tampines Ball on the ^th of feb 2001.This is noly wat we received.we will bring to u the details in a few days time.Stick to us to know more!!!Thank you very much for joining us.I m The Rock and i will see u always here in the gossip post,thank you

Benevolent Rapist
Also,the A.F.M.P. clan are planning to sell their log book for $10 per copyI m sure it's worth your money coz u wil know a lot of secret inside the A.F.M.P. clan.although the clan was publisised recently,and our actions had attracted a lot of pple's attention especially Kei Pos like censored, Kenny Phua. But there r still a lot of confidential stuff not known

Teacher unusually kind; students suspicious
CCHS(m), Singapore- Students are suspicious of an unusually kind teacher on the 19th of March, the first day of school after a week long holiday.
The teacher, when normal, was considered by students as "okay" though "prone to sudden bursts of anger", had actually allowed a class of her students to go to the canteen for 15 minutes to have their breakfast. At first, the students were very alert, heightening their senses for any signs of danger or traps.
"It's very unnerving", says one of the pupils, a dark-skinned chinese who declined to be named. "It's almost like we're walking on the five foot way to hell. I'm very suspicious of this sudden niceness. Please, don't let anything happen to me, god!"
After saying so, he went onto his knees and a chain of prayers.
5 minutes after going to the canteen, most of the students felt much more at ease. Many went ahead, bought breakfast, and happily tucked into the food while others just stood around sipping their drinks through straws. There were a few exceptions though, and one of them was a boy named Nernard Bng, who tried his best to discourage his friends from "the whirlpool of the devil" by trying his best to whisper in their ears that it was "nothing but a trap". When fellow class-mates still refused to listen, he hopped up and down in a rage, just like a sparrow, shouting, "Go ahead into the icy hands of death! I tried my best to help you!". Following that, he burst into tears.
"Just look at them," said Nernard, when interviewed, "Being so unaware of the trap that's displayed right before their eyes! Eating and drinking like a bunch of helpless rabbits! To think that they can be tricked by such an obvious show of cunningness and deceit!"
After spending 20 minutes at the canteen, the teacher brought the students back to class and resumed teaching as if nothing ever happened. The class, feeling full and contented and very happy, were not in a very good mood for studying. Nernard was sitting in a pool of sweat, still suspicious.
Reports show that there was absolutely no evil plans in the teacher's mind and she did it out of goodwill.
Investigations are still under way.

Plans for 4BN invasion

The Rock
Have you all realised that our class forum is getting more n more crowded?i had a plan.we will first invade the 4Cr forum page coz i think their last update was days ago and then we can look around and see what class we r going to invade next!!IF YA SMELLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!

[H]eero [Y]uy
got nothing to do is it?

Xu Li`en a.k.a nEiLuX^15
YAH LAH!!!!!
u want to invade? invade our class 1st...
The Rock , you take the point!
Benny , Storm The Front!
August, Cover me!
Zhu Mei, r*** the hostages!
Weihan, Fall Back!
Wan Ping, Go Hell!
FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Rock

what is Zhu Mei r*** the hostages?????
is it rape???
i won't do such a thing ok

why me fall back?? wo shi yong gan xie hui de hui yuan!! So i cannot fall back!! i'm supposed to CHEONG ARRR

i don't run around in this place trying to invade other people's forum... i am the spectator... you know? so i will watch and help you ghost... ok? weihan i swap with you... you storm the front i fall back...

Will this be the 4BN revolution of 2001? Then what? Our principles will be called "4 Benevolenism".

4 Benevolenism...August..u read tooo much history is it??until you go start thinking about revolution.....Can I fall back instead..i am a girl you know..

The Rock

[H]eero [Y]uy
never say the bomb gonna blow... good thing i am the spectator... can see the bomb blow up... fun!

Wait until 20 Feb then plant the bomb. More fun when the police and paramedics and firefighters arrive to see a bomb going off and real chaos happening.

You guys are so morbid. Actually, i think only august is. He's showing his true self. Violent.

The Rock
have you all heard of such a thing called 'nuke'?nuking people's sites are fun and if zhumei happens to advertise on the site one more time,then without a shadow of a doubt,it is chon ju in disguise of zhu mei and i will nuke the website!

hello...i am really the real zhu mei...& i am not chon ju & i am publicising chon ju's website because i like it

hey zhumei y u letting tht chouju use ur postkid account to do adZ

The Rock
i express my compliments here.

SPAMMIN' is a serious crim u noe,...

i am the REAL ZHUMEI

Serious Messages for the Class

Please don't write nonsense inside, or gossip. This is not a chat site.
Only put those important information or timetables inside here. Remember, this is OFFICIAL business!

The Rock
ok fine,the rock says that all of you MUST go to mounbatten cc this sunday on the 14th jan at 8 PM hahahaha

august hey that aint fun
stop abusing ur autority (right.)
goodbye my friend u messed up again
your going to prison ur off to the pen

~Ch@*nSeY^ Mrs Raj scolded the whole class....
So from now on....we should not abuse the so call "usuage of August"
As august is the we must listen to him instead of him listening to us & obey us
s this understandable???

madcow sentiments exactly...

what setimentS?

The Rock
in the first place,what is sentiments?

look up the dictionary yourself

come on, we dont have to listen to him if he comes here once every 9 months

The Rock
4732836-3785419-257987894679229-678971957367-672-671-3967-396779672967-296728-67028967089760976389671-671-878-3497689-3475614976-81-36737602572,if anyone can decode this thing,he can be a top spy in our class and win a PRIZE from THE ROCK.i m serious and this is not some crap that i any o how write

still, im not going to bother

The Rock
then get the hell outta here,jabroni


The Rock
u are notin this class get otta here before i layeth the smackadown on your roody poo candy -censored-

rock is pretty darn crazy

The Rock
but not crazy enough to say vulgars here that is good enough

[H]eero [Y]uy
he is only by a few mm away from all the censored words...

The Rock
i m not on the spot right?

* * *


It had been a weird habit of mine to wake up once every hour early in the morning to check on the time. This was to ensure that I would not be late the next morning. It was therefore not surprising that this old habit recurred on the day of the release of the O-level results.
But there was this gall in the midst of my throat that bothered me throughout. I realised the corners of my eyes were heavy as well.
At 5:30am, I felt I could sleep no longer, and woke up. I sat at my desk to prepare my Economics homework, of which I had not touched since. I tried to hide my anxiousness – I attempted to make everything seem as normal as possible.
At 6:00am, my mother woke up. She strode over to my desk and asked me how I was feeling.
“Anxious and very scared,” I told her.
“It’s all over. You’ve done what you ought to have done. Don’t think too much about it.”
She was right. Why should I worry now? If I had to worry, I should have had done it ages ago, before I even took the O-levels. I regretted that I had slackened much after the Prelims. I always had the impression that the Os, as the exam was called, would be much easier than any other old Prelim. I was proved wrong during the examination itself; some questions were not those I had expected.
Anyway, the results had arrived back in Singapore. There they were, waiting for us to collect them. Innocent sheets of paper – came from any old tree, but the print on it reflected our future. This sheet of paper would be the key to the next level of the game.
In months, this was the first time that my father had decided to send me to school. Earlier I figured out that he saw me still messing around with the papers on my desk, even though the time I was supposed to leave the house had since gone by. He probably wanted to drive me to college so that I would not be late. Later, I deduced that he would want to have been a source of comfort to me before I went to get back my results. He told me not to worry too much, as our car drew up before the gates of the institution.
My kakis were still sitting at the usual table. Nobody had much to say…some hurried through their homework, while others just did nothing but let time pass. At 7:35am, we went for flag-raising as usual. The scene was beginning to get tenser. It was as if a terrorist attack had just occurred and people were in a state of shock. Of course, I wouldn’t exaggerate it too much. But for once since the first day of school, people were beginning to look lost. Most of them wore a frown on their faces, like me. Some were going around, asking how others felt. Others were contemplating whether to skip lessons or not.
The mood was quite bleak during the classes. At the end of every lesson, our lecturers and tutors kept wishing us good luck. By the last lecture, students went around doing the same thing to their close friends and acquaintances. The only thing I could do was to mumble a soft “Thank you.” I wondered what was the point in saying good luck. Such words could not even change the results on our slips. We could only absorb these words to make us feel better, but nothing more can be done after that.
I arrived in Chung Cheng at around noon. On the bus, people had wished me the best of luck; I had repaid their blessings. As soon as I stepped off the bus, I wondered what their expressions would be tomorrow. Would they change for the better or for the worse?
Again, an air of anxiousness filtered through the canteen as the old students congregated. There were rumours of a list of our results being circulated around, and people went hysterical just to look for that list and minimise their unease. Large crowds of students gathered like bunches of roses tied in a bouquet - all desperate people. Suddenly, one of the girls let out a shriek – why the hell would I bother to find out the reason behind that? Besides that, there were people who gasped their way through an entire minute, the frowns on their foreheads turning more severe with each passing second. Probably they did not believe in the aggregate printed on the score sheet.
The situation having gotten out of hand, the teacher promptly retrieved her list and refused to let anymore students study it further. Who really bothered anyway? We had to face reality; besides, in another hour or so we would realise the truth.

By 2pm, we had been seated inside the Grand Auditorium. This year’s Sec 4s were also present; Mr Yue had asked them to witness this event. The graduates were asked to sit on the floor, in front of the tables where our respective form teachers would sit.
It was hard to describe the appropriate mood at that very time. There were folks who were happy; anxious; both happy and anxious; extremely terrified, et cetera. No one knew exactly what the other was feeling. He or she could be hiding his or her thoughts; a happy mask could be a cover for a worrier. A tightly screwed face would be an alibi for intense excitement – a sort of volcano that would erupt at the right moment.
Mr Yue had gone for an important meeting at the last moment with a minister, so the Vice-Principal, Mr Toh, took charge of the ceremony. He first gave a presentation about the Joint Admission Exercise (JAE), but it seemed that nobody really bothered to listen. We had our eyes transfixed on the screen, yet it does note reveal whether we are in reality or have traversed into another dimension. Who cares, anyway?
Finally, Mr Toh proceeded to announce the names of those who had scored a certain number of As. These people were entitled to have themselves photographed by the news team from Lianhe Zaobao. I have no idea whether they will be featured since the last time I was interviewed; we were cheated by the newspaper office for not having that article printed.
The respective form teachers of each of the classes position themselves at the desks specially laid out for this occasion. Each class was appointed with a few forms, the O-levels certificate and the Yearbooks – including two student councillors on hand. One by one each individual was called. As each individual went up, there was the potentially lethal mix of fright, anxiety, excitement and God knows what other emotions. Many broke into tears – was it out of sadness or joy? Mysteriously, others shed tears even before their names were called, and had to depend on another’s shoulder as a tissue. Stunned looks enveloped these people – nobody even knew how much they scored to determine whether they were crying for happiness or upset.
There was a sense of disbelief within me when my name was pronounced. I went up, shaken, expecting something worse. My teacher was somewhat grinning; I really had no idea if that was a disguise – a mask. To prove it, I scanned the L1R5 – I had done better than I had expected. Now there was a reason for both of us to smile or grin.
The first people I dialled were my parents. They congratulated me on my fine results, yet questioned if I were able to make it into my choice college or not. I assured them I would, since my final score (having minimised the bonus points) would still entitle me a place within the school’s entry aggregate.